


León Jorge Castaños Martinez, General Director of the National Forestry Commission
Beth McNeil,
Assistant Deputy Minister, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
Vicky Christianen, Chief, US Forest Service Hiroto Mitsugi
Assistant Director General, Forestry Department, UN Food and Agriculture Organization

About the North American Forest Commission

The North American Forest Commission (NAFC) is one of six regional forestry commissions of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) . Established in 1958, NAFC provides a policy and technical forum for Canada, Mexico and the United States to discuss and address forest issues on a North American basis.

NAFC carries out its mandate by supporting research and natural resource management activities through nine working groups that explore issues of concern to the three countries. These working groups include: climate, atmospheric change and forestsfire managementinsects and diseases and invasive plantssilvicultureforest inventory and monitoringforest genetic resources, and urban programs. There is also an ad hoc working group on resiliency and forest communication. Since Canada, Mexico and the United States contain a mix of boreal, temperate and tropical ecosystems, the results of the commission’s work can be applied more broadly to assist other countries and regions facing similar conditions.